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Fraud hot-spots in Risk Management

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q01QJlV0KVQ Well, hello. I’m going to talk in this session about fraud. In particular about fraud hotspots, one of the things that I think many organisations struggle with is where are they going to focus their efforts in terms of fraud control? Organisations have fraud control plans and they have fraud risk registers, but are they actually managing those fraud

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Effectiveness of current controls in Risk Management

Welcome! In this session, what I am going to talk about and expand on, is something I have talked about before which is the effectiveness of current controls. As I said in a previous blog, the effectiveness of your current controls that you have in place in your organisation is going to determine how likely a particular event is likely

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Risk Governance in Risk Management

Hello and welcome to this session. What I am going to address today is an area that is not really understood, as the function that it is and that is risk governance. Now, we all understand the term governance, about how organisations are directed and controlled. Well risk management needs the same governance approach. Because ultimately, the inputs of risk,

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Communication in Risk Management

In this session what I want to talk about is communication. But not communication and consultation in respect to the risk management process that is in the standard. Obviously we do need to communicate and consult with our stakeholder community around risk and risk management as we go through the process. But what I want to talk about specifically today

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