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No-one will ever find out…until you’re found out

What do German cars, peanut butter and a heart and diabetes researcher have in common? A seemingly astonishing lack of corporate governance; a misguided sense of cost and benefit and a flagrant disregard for risk and risk management. A quick scan of the media recently reveals that: following a university study, Volkswagen got caught out using software in their vehicles

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Strategic vs Operational Risk

Well hello and welcome to this session. One of the questions I'm asked the most on my training courses what is the difference between a strategic and operational risk. It's a really good question and it's one that isn't well-defined and I see Boards and other larger organisations in their strategic risk register they've actually got a lot of risk

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Risk escalation

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mezw84XNCyE Hello and welcome to this session. What I’m going to talk about today is risk escalation. Now, this seems to be something that is really, really misunderstood amongst the risk management fraternity, but certainly within organisations. There is a difference between risk reporting and risk escalation. I see it all the time in risk management plans in organisations where

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How we frame risk

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aeqWN1o8cY Well hello and welcome to this session. One of the things that I've been tossing around, and I've discussed this in blogs previously, is how we actually frame a risk and I've talked about risks being events. Well one of the things that I have noted is that when it comes to putting together risk statements, often organisations will

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Risk management likelihood criteria

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyZYR9aaTMo Hello again. In this session what I want to talk about is likelihood criteria. Now I’ve seen the full gamut, from people using percentages, 90 to 99% is almost certain, almost certain is expected to occur in most circumstances. I’ve seen organisations use instances per year and I’ve also seen instances per transactions, but what happens when you've got

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Fraud hot-spots in Risk Management

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q01QJlV0KVQ Well, hello. I’m going to talk in this session about fraud. In particular about fraud hotspots, one of the things that I think many organisations struggle with is where are they going to focus their efforts in terms of fraud control? Organisations have fraud control plans and they have fraud risk registers, but are they actually managing those fraud

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What’s your organisations risk appetite?

Welcome to, what will potentially be a controversial blog today. One of the things I’ve been teaching my courses is risk appetite and risk tolerance. Now those terms are used interchangeably, and unfortunately this is creating quite a lot of confusion within the risk management fraternity and it’s not helped but the fact that there are no examples within the

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