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A once in 30-year event 30 years in the making is a book on the Dreamworld Incident

A once in 30-year event 30 years in the making is a book on the Dreamworld Incident

Nov, 21, 2022
by Leena Renkauskas

How and why the Dreamworld coroner’s report demonstrates what is wrong with current risk management practices

On Tuesday 25 October 2016, Dreamworld opened as usual at 10:00 am. The Thunder River Rapids Ride (TRRR) commenced operating with nine rafts in circulation and two ride operators.

The TRRR was an aquatic based family orientated ‘moderate thrill ride’ which was suitable for patrons over the age of two. It was designed to simulate white water rafting for six patrons, with the option of having three children seated on an adult’s lap within a circular raft. Statistically, the TRRR was the most popular ride in the theme park.

Raft 5 travelled through the water course without incident before being picked up by the conveyor at the end of the ride and moved towards the elevated unloading area. At this time, Raft 6, which was dispatched in front of Raft 5, became stranded on the steel support rails situated at the end of the conveyor near the unloading area due to the pump failure and a sudden drop in water level on the ride. Raft 5 continued to travel on the conveyor where it collided with Raft 6 before being lifted and pulled vertically into the conveyor mechanism.

Written by Leena Renkauskas

Rod is an accomplished risk consultant with extensive experience in the delivery of professional consultancy services to government, corporate and not-for-profit sectors. Rod takes every opportunity available to ensure his risk management knowledge remains at the ‘cutting edge’ of the discipline. Rod’s Risk Management expertise is highly sought after as is the insight he provides in his risk management training and workshop facilitation. Rod was recognised by the Risk Management Institution of Australia as the 2016 Risk Consultant of the Year and one of the first five Certified Chief Risk Officers in Australasia.