Risk management consultancy and training services

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Risk Tip 16 – Let us start at the very end

May, 13, 2021

One of the areas that organisations find difficult is determining the effectiveness of controls, something I have written about previously on how we measure effectiveness. The most significant challenge I have noted is the development of performance measures for controls in order for effectiveness to be measured. The methodology I have developed to assist organisations to develop performance measures, counterintuitively,

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When did ISO 31000 become an auditable compliance standard?

May, 13, 2021

A client of mine recently had a run in with an auditor (what’s new).  The auditor was adamant that, because what she was seeing was not something she was familiar with, it was wrong.  She resorted to the auditor’s chestnut: but that is not in accordance with ISO 31000. Fast forward a few days and the report is presented with

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Risk Tip 15 – Parent and Child Risks – Keeping it in the family

Dec, 21, 2020

Paladin Risk Management Services is about to release its newly developed software system for the management of risk: Gladiator GRCTM. in the new year. This software will be just the ticket for anyone wanting to make their risk management lives easier and first cab off the rank will be a risk register and control register – the most important tools an

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Victoria’s Coronavirus 2nd Wave through the Lens of the Swiss Cheese Model

Sep, 13, 2020

Right now, Victoria is in the grip of a second wave of COVID-19 and to date, it has accounted for approximately 80% of all deaths recorded in Australia during the pandemic, with the majority of those deaths during this second  wave. As cases continued to rise, concerns began to be raised that the hotel quarantine program for returning travellers established

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‘Welcome aboard your flight’ … never mind the pilot might not be qualified!

Jul, 08, 2020

Imagine boarding a plane (when we can fly again of course) and hearing the following announcement: “Good morning ladies and gentlemen. My name is Zara and I am your chief flight attendant for today’s flight. Welcome aboard Pakistan International Airlines flight 123, non-stop service from Karachi to Quetta. Please be advised that with 262 out of 860 Pakistani airline pilots

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Assumption is not Assurance

Jun, 11, 2020

“Familiarity breeds complacency; complacency breeds negligence and something eventually slips through”Richard Quest – Sunrise Program 7 Network 20th May 2016 Recently, the shocking case emerged of Anne Marie Smith.  Disturbingly, she died from severe septic shock, multi-organ failure, severe pressure sores, malnutrition and issues connected with her cerebral palsy, after allegedly being stuck in a cane chair for 24-hours-a-day for

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Our latest short courses

Jun, 11, 2020

Paladin has expanded our course offerings to include a range of short courses: Managing Risk in ProjectsWHS – a Practical ApproachBusiness Continuity ManagementRisk ControlsRisk Governance for Boards and CEOs All courses will be live streamed.  In-house course options are available as well (also through live streaming).  For more information contact Paladinrisk. Managing Risk in Projects About the Course We constantly

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