Risk management consultancy and training services

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Measuring Risk Management Outcomes

  Hello, in this session I want to talk about the thing that a lot of risk management people struggle with and that is the measurement of Risk Management outcomes. How can we actually say and prove to an organisation that what we are doing within the risk management field is actually making a difference and value adding to the

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Risk Management and the PGPA – is your agency prepared?

The Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act) will replace the FMA Act and the CAC Act on 1 July 2014. Included in the PGPA Act is a requirement for all entities to: Establish and maintain an appropriate system of risk oversight and management for the entity; and Establish and maintain an appropriate system of internal control for

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Risk Management vs. Crisis Management

Well welcome, in this session I want to talk something that’s, I guess it might sound a little bit flippant for you, but the difference between risk management and crisis management. See crisis management is a lot more fun than risk management. Let’s face it, your adrenalins up, you’ve got more resources to work with, you’ve got greater funding, there’s

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