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Responsibility, accountability and authority

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHMES8lRZps Well, hello. In this session I’m going to talk about responsibility, accountability and authority in a risk management framework. Now, one of the things that I think we need to really recognise right from the get go is that risk owners, they are responsible for the overall management and coordination of the organisations response to that risk. Now they

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Fraud hot-spots in Risk Management

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q01QJlV0KVQ Well, hello. I’m going to talk in this session about fraud. In particular about fraud hotspots, one of the things that I think many organisations struggle with is where are they going to focus their efforts in terms of fraud control? Organisations have fraud control plans and they have fraud risk registers, but are they actually managing those fraud

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RMIA CEO Geoff Crittendon discusses the bright future of risk management

At the RMIA 2014 National Conference, we had the opportunity to speak with the CEO of RMIA, Geoff Crittendon. When Geoff went into the organisation at the end of May this year it wasn’t in the best of shape, there were many fundamental issues that needed to be overcome in order the build-up the RMIA into a professional institution that

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Liam O’Brien from GRC Solutions

GRC Solutions report reveals insights to risk management industry

At the RMIA 2014 National Conference, we had the opportunity to speak with Liam O’Brien from GRC Solutions, an eLearning and Policy Management firm from Brisbane. This year, GRC Solutions conducted a survey on members of the Risk Management Institute of Australasia (RMIA). GRC then published an “Inaugural Risk Management Survey Report” which outlined some interesting trends in the risk

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RMIA 2014 Awards Dinner

We have had a great week at the RMIA National Conference for 2014 in Brisbane. Last night, Paladin attended the RMIA 2014 awards dinner. Paladin graduate Melinda Kershaw took home the coveted prize as she was awarded highly commended. Two other Paladin graduates, Geoff Barby and Wendy Cormack, were also runners up for the award. We were very excited to

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RMIA2014 Day two summary

We have just finished day two of the conference and it has been another great day for Paladin. We have had lots of visitors to our booth to get a photo in the gladiator helmet – they are now in the draw to with a free Diploma or Advanced Diploma in a location of their choice! Come down tomorrow for

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RMIA2014 Day One Summary

Today was day one of the Risk Management Institution of Australasia National Conference in Brisbane. We had a great time meeting and networking with leaders in the industry and spreading the word about the Paladin Risk Management Services courses. Paladin has a special offer on both the Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses for those attending the conference – come and

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