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How to derive risk treatments for a particular risk

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_SczZ2rLic Well hello and welcome to this session. What we’re going to talk about is how we actually derive risk treatments for our particular risk. Now, one of the things I see is risk plans all over the place is all high end risks ought to be treated unless its cost is not cost-effective to do so, medium risks may

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What goes in the risk register?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsXuG2p5jUk Well, Hello. In this session what I’m going to discuss is a very, very vexed issue and one that sits at the heart of managing risks and that is what risks do we actually put into a risk register? Now, I had a course recently where somebody said that their risk managers in their organisation at all the different

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Shared Risk in Risk Management

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1C-wYS5C-Y   Well hello and welcome to this session. What we’re going to talk about is shared risks. Now for those of you in federal government, the public governance performance and accountability’s act and the Commonwealth risk management policy actually explicitly address the management of shared risk. Well, what is a shared risk? The first thing is that you need

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Accountability in Risk Management

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gonYolHM5eU In this session what I am going to talk about is accountability in risk management. Now we've previously talked about risk ownership but what I’m going to focus on today is purely on the accountability side and I’m going to break it down into three distinct ownership categories. First and foremost the risk owner, then there’s the control owner and then

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How we frame risk

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aeqWN1o8cY Well hello and welcome to this session. One of the things that I've been tossing around, and I've discussed this in blogs previously, is how we actually frame a risk and I've talked about risks being events. Well one of the things that I have noted is that when it comes to putting together risk statements, often organisations will

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Effectiveness of current controls in Risk Management

Welcome! In this session, what I am going to talk about and expand on, is something I have talked about before which is the effectiveness of current controls. As I said in a previous blog, the effectiveness of your current controls that you have in place in your organisation is going to determine how likely a particular event is likely

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Monitor and Review of Risk Management Process

Dec, 11, 2014
by Leena Renkauskas

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ORnginryKs Well hello again. In this session what I want to talk about is monitor and review of your risk framework but also your individual risks. It’s a part of the risk management process that I don’t think gets the level of importance that it should. So let’s break those things down. First and foremost, what are we monitoring? Well,

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Risk management likelihood criteria

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyZYR9aaTMo Hello again. In this session what I want to talk about is likelihood criteria. Now I’ve seen the full gamut, from people using percentages, 90 to 99% is almost certain, almost certain is expected to occur in most circumstances. I’ve seen organisations use instances per year and I’ve also seen instances per transactions, but what happens when you've got

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