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Outsourcing Compliance

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOKJ1fBRaXE Outsourcing is very common and often viewed as the most appropriate way to get a job done. It makes sense to get the ‘experts’ in as contractors when you haven’t got the skill set within your organisation or it is not ‘core business’ When outsourcing functions, the expectation is that the contractor will comply with all relevant legislation, regulations

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Hazard vs Risk

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTpPPeD4cPY One of the most common issues I see in the risk management world is confusion between what is a risk and what is a hazard. A hazard is actually a source of risk; it’s not the risk event itself. The challenge though is how do you transpose the hazard into a risk statement that allows for it to be

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Getting management to buy-in

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2V_fPtNieM Hello and welcome to this session. What we're going to talk about today is how you get senior management support and buy-in for your risk management program. Now, of course, there are a lot of organisations out there who are doing risk management as opposed to managing risk. And what I mean by doing risk management is just doing

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Risk escalation

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mezw84XNCyE Hello and welcome to this session. What I’m going to talk about today is risk escalation. Now, this seems to be something that is really, really misunderstood amongst the risk management fraternity, but certainly within organisations. There is a difference between risk reporting and risk escalation. I see it all the time in risk management plans in organisations where

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Paladin Risk Management Services and Soldier On

Supporting those who have suffered in the service of our Country   Paladin Risk Management Services has partnered with Soldier On – an organisation that supports physically and psychologically wounded soldiers who have returned from combat operations. The Principal of Paladin, Rod Farrar is a returned veteran who has himself suffered psychological wounds from his service in Iraq. $100 from

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New eBook: Risk is not a four letter word

After an overwhelming response to our  first E-Book, Demystifying Risk Management, released last year, we are excited to present you with Paladin Risk Management's second E-book Risk is not a four letter word. The underlying message in this title is that risk is not something to be feared by organisations – but something to be embraced. If we do not embrace risk we cannot innovate. In this

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How to derive risk treatments for a particular risk

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_SczZ2rLic Well hello and welcome to this session. What we’re going to talk about is how we actually derive risk treatments for our particular risk. Now, one of the things I see is risk plans all over the place is all high end risks ought to be treated unless its cost is not cost-effective to do so, medium risks may

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What goes in the risk register?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsXuG2p5jUk Well, Hello. In this session what I’m going to discuss is a very, very vexed issue and one that sits at the heart of managing risks and that is what risks do we actually put into a risk register? Now, I had a course recently where somebody said that their risk managers in their organisation at all the different

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