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Paladin engages with local government at Australian Local Government Association National General Assembly

Local government representatives across the nation got some valuable risk ‘TLC’ when Paladin Risk Management Services examined their risk challenges and had the honour to host the Australian Local Government Association’s (ALGA’s) networking dinner as a platinum sponsor.  Risk Management White Paper Managing Risks within Council Ben Farinazzo – an ambassador for the charity partner for the event – Soldier

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Another Honour for Janine

In my previous newsletter I mentioned that NZ Police, under the stewardship of Janine Foster had received the: Excellence in developing capability in Risk Management award at the New Zealand Risk Management Awards. Janine joins Emma Johnston (2015) and Emilio Van Doorn (2016) as winners of the award who have attended a course through Paladin Risk Management Services. Well the

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Record Year for Paladin

What a year! Paladin Risk Management Services has trained 691 students trained in accreditation courses – that’s a record. This included 420 personnel from the Department of Social Services. And, close to 100 people have been trained in non-accredited courses through the RMIA. After five years of offering these course they’re still in demand and I couldn’t be more proud

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There’s no such thing as a Safety Risk (or a security risk, or a reputation risk ….)

If you are like most organisations that I have engaged with, you will most likely have multiple risk registers. Separate risk registers will likely be maintained for two or more of the following categories of risks: Operational risks Financial risks Security risks Safety risks Compliance risks Reputational risks Environmental risks IT risks Whole industries have been built around the management

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Risk Tip # 7 – Risk Ownership- let’s turn it on its head

For too long, risk ownership has been pushed down to the lower levels of organisations in the belief that ownership of the risks should reside with managers that own the specific functions. On the surface, that may seem reasonable and appropriate, however, over the last few months I have taken a different view that may just turn risk ownership within

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Cyber Attack is not the Risk

Reports continue to emerge on a regular basis of cyber-attacks that have impacted Government and private sector organisations alike. Insurance firms now offer policies to protect against cyber-attack and, at one point, the Australian Government even appointed a special advisor to the Prime Minister on cyber security. Not to mention that consulting companies with a specialty in all things cyber

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Paladin and Soldier On reach significant milestone

Recently, Paladin Risk Management Services provided a course to the 50th participant to come through the program with Soldier On. Set up in 2016, the program provides free courses to any member of Soldier On who has been affected by their service, whether physically, mentally or both. I am extremely proud of this association.  As someone who was affected significantly

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RIP ISO 31000??

In 2009, the ISO 31000 Risk Management Principles and Guidelines was released with much fanfare. It was hoped that the introduction of an international standard would provide legitimacy to risk management and standardise approaches across the world. There was an opportunity for those conducting the review of ISO 31000 (draft released in March 2017) to provide more substance to the

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