Risk management consultancy and training services

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Risk Management vs. Crisis Management

Well welcome, in this session I want to talk something that’s, I guess it might sound a little bit flippant for you, but the difference between risk management and crisis management. See crisis management is a lot more fun than risk management. Let’s face it, your adrenalins up, you’ve got more resources to work with, you’ve got greater funding, there’s

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Implementing a Risk Management Framework

Well hello, and welcome to this session where I'm going to talk about implementing a risk management framework. Now, you’re organisation may not have a risk management framework at all, or it might have one that needs significant work. The thing that you need to understand about the implementation of a risk management framework is that it is exactly the

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The Ultimate Goal of Risk Management

Transcript: In this session I want to talk about the ultimate reason we manage risk. And, it’s not to be compliant with the legislation, it’s not to be compliant with a regulation, it’s not to make sure that we can cover our butt’s. Obviously, yes those things are important, but the ultimate goal of risk management, the ultimate outcome of

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Communication in Risk Management

In this session what I want to talk about is communication. But not communication and consultation in respect to the risk management process that is in the standard. Obviously we do need to communicate and consult with our stakeholder community around risk and risk management as we go through the process. But what I want to talk about specifically today

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Funding Risk Management

Transcript: Hello and welcome once again. One of the challenges that many organisations have in relation to risk management is the funding and the budgeting of risk management. We have a whole range of elements of the risk management framework within the organisation that require funding.  Things like: -          Allocating finances for treatment strategies; -          Allocating money to be set

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The Risk Management Standard Strikes again – This time with the help of the Risk Management Handbook

I have previously discussed issues around the risk management definition within ISO 31000 and the fact that the definition itself has created uncertainty (for Blog click here). Well - now I have another axe to grind - well two actually. The first is the use of the term Likelihood in the Standard and the recently released risk management Handbook SA/SNZ

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Types of Risk

Welcome to this next session. What I want to talk about in this session is the fundamental parts of risk and risk management and the different types of risk. And you hear it all the time, we’ve got strategic risk, operational risk, security risk, safety risk, project risk, to think that those things are different is probably leading an organisation

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“Fluffy” Risk Treatments

Transcript: Hello again, in this session what I want to talk about is risk treatments. In particular, what I want to talk about how we frame our treatments so that they are not, as I term it, "fluffy treatments." So we might have in our risk register as an example, that a cause of a particular event is poor communication

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