Risk management consultancy and training services

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Paladin Risk Management Services during COVID-19

As you can appreciate, in these current times, and with significant travel restrictions in place, there is no capacity for face-to-face courses to be delivered for the foreseeable future. But fear not – as you would expect from someone that teaches business continuity – there was a plan in place 😊. To that end, Paladin Risk Management Services will recommence

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Coronavirus is not the risk – but it has increased the likelihood of risks in your organisation

I have been observing over the last few weeks, a constant flow of articles on how organisations should prepare for a Coronavirus outbreak that impacts staff. There has been a lot of talk of Pandemic Plans and working remotely from home with some organisations considering taking the drastic step of closing down entire operations.  The issue is that Coronavirus is

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Coronavirus is not the risk – but – it has increased the likelihood of risks that already existed in your organisation

I have been observing, particularly over the last week, a constant flow of articles on how organisations should prepare for a Coronavirus outbreak that impacts staff. There has been a lot of talk of Pandemic Plans and working remotely from home, with some organisations considering taking the drastic step of closing down entire operations.  The issue is that Coronavirus is

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# notthatCorona

In 2019 I wrote a blog titled #notthatPaladin in response to the connection that had been made between my company and the Paladin involved in the provision of detention services on Manus Island. I thought I had it bad but spare a thought for poor old Corona beer. As reported in Business Insider Australia, the recent Corona Virus has resulted

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Changing the Audit Paradigm

Moving from Risk Based Internal Auditing to Consequence Based Internal Auditing I have written extensively on my approach to determining likelihood, as a function of control effectiveness rather than determining likelihood based on time, frequency and/or probability. What’s important to note though, is that using this latter approach means that we also have to shift our paradigm in the development

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Risk Management Tools – Control Summary and Assessment Pro-forma

The give-aways just keep coming with Paladin Risk Management. In September I gave you the risk register. It’s great for managing risks and I encourage you to download that tool if you haven’t already. Keeping to my promises, as per my risk register blog here’s my Control Summary and Assessment Pro forma that I use to provide an overview of

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Crazy Stuff in the Workplace Health and Safety Codes of Practice

I have, in previous blogs, talked about some of my views on the way that workplace health and safety is being managed within Australia.  This is not a criticism of safety professionals who are diligently trying to prevent workplace accidents from occurring.  My biggest issue is with the legislation, and in particular the accompanying Codes of Practice for managing different

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